jeudi 4 janvier 2018

Top 10 Reasons Why You Must Strive For Excellence

#1 - Respect

Respect is earned although they say love is given.  There's no way to earn the respect of others and self-respect than through acts of excellence.

Superlative performance sets you apart and confers on you the hallmark of nobility and puts you are on your way to getting "your excellency."

#2 - Freedom

Once you develop a flair for it, any activity becomes easy.  Through command, any task gets less stressful.  When you set yourself free from the stress of your routine activities - through mastering them  - you may even begin to enjoy tasks you dreaded!

#3 - Fortune

Has always been, and in any area of human endeavor, there is a gap between the earnings of the rest and the best.

You may become the best, through striving for excellence and royalty of all kinds would seek your services - and they do not pay peanuts.

#4 - Opportunity

Popular wisdom says that in the event you will need to get something done on time - you ask a busy person.  Highly effective and productive people can't help being noticed.  In this way, the best people get the breaks.

If you wish to attract more or better opportunities, strive for excellence.

#5 - Legacy

Only the greats get to leave their footprints.  Mediocrity is soon forgotten, but genius lingers on in the memory of the race.

How long ago did Beethoven live?  What about Leonardo da Vinci?  Shakespeare?

#6 - Inspiration

There's no better way to inspire loved ones - for example - to performance that is outstanding than by your example.

Your excellence convinces them that it can be achieved and they set out to improve your performance.

#7 - Philanthropy

Whether we like it or not, we exist to serve our fellow people.  Imagine how much more enjoyable life could be if people attain to excellence in spheres of life.

Exceptional surgeons could save myriads from naturally, untimely deaths (remember quacks kill); excellent pilots, engineers, managers and so on improving the quality of human life.  Excellence in an endeavor that is human that is worthy promotes the welfare of others - this is philanthropy.

#8 - Survival

If you have ever been in a situation where the survival of yourself and your loved ones depended on your level of ability, then you would know that the quest for excellence is a necessity.

In fact, if your forebears hadn't been expert hunters or farmers, you would not be here today.

#9 - Virtue

Attaining to excellence requires you to be disciplined, motivated and focused.  You cannot expect to be the best at what you do in the event you habitually dwell in the depths of despair and despondency.

Striving for excellence gives a sense of purpose to your life.  Through this adjustment, you come to comprehend why it is said that virtue is its reward.

#10 - Worship

If you believe in a Supreme Being, you would agree that one of the best ways to glorify the creator is by our exploits.  You can win more converts to your path through your lifetime of excellence than through your preaching.

What better way to worship than to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven."

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